Republican Clubs
West Pasco Republican Club – Trinity
The Club with Clout – Established 1975
Contact: Anne Corona, President
Email: wprcprez@yahoo.com
Phone: (727) 514-1120
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday every Month
Location: Heritage Spring Country Club:
11345 Robert Trent Jones Pkwy., Trinity, FL 34655

Central Pasco Republican Club
Contact: Sandy Graves
Email: sgraves253@msn.com
Phone: (813) 817-3011
Meetings: 4th Monday of each Month
Time: 6:00 PM Social, 6:30 PM Meeting
Location: 5401 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639

Republican Club of Heritage Pines
Linda Russell V.P. (727) 836-0986
Email: rrinhudson@gmail.com
Phone: (727) 249-6782
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each Month
Time: 6:00 PM Social, 6:30 PM Meeting
Location: Clubhouse at the Heritage Pines: 11524 Scenic Hills Blvd., Hudson, FL 34667
Coffee and treats are available for your enjoyment 6:00. The meeting starts at 6:30
Heritage Pines is a gated community. Inform the guard you will be attending club meeting. Follow the signs.

East Pasco Republican Club
Contact: Deborah (Debbie) Murray, President
Email: denisraymurray@yahoo.com
Phone: (813) 817-4892
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of each Month
Time: 6:00 PM Social, 6:30 PM Meeting
Location: Academy of Spectrum Diversity: 5320 1st Street, Zephyrhills, FL 33542
(Across from Oakside Cemetery, Zephyrhills)
Membership: $20 a year

Libertad, Club Hispano Republicano de Pasco
Contact: Julia Hassler, President
Email: libertadclubpascogop@gmail.com
Phone: (954) 304-2730
Meetings: 3rd Monday of every Month
Time: 6:00 PM Social, 6:30 PM Meeting Begins
New Meeting Location: Vallarta's Mexican Restaurant, 5335 Village Market, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Pasco County Young Republicans
Contact: Jayden Cocuzza, President
Email: pascoyoungrep@gmail.com
Phone: (727) 238-1898
Meetings: Last Wednesday of every Month
Time: 6:00 PM
New Meeting Location: Brick City Eatery, 16540 Pointe Village Dr, Suite 108, Lutz, FL 33558
An opportunity for Pasco County young Republicans (ages 18–40) to come together, establish connections, and exchange ideas in a fun and vibrant atmosphere.
NOTE: Please see social media for updates regarding meetings and events.
Pasco Federated Republican Women's Club
Contact: Sandy Graves, President
Phone: (813) 817-3011
Meetings: 1st Saturday of every month
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: The Groves Grill/Back 9 Bistro at The Groves Golf and Country Club:
7924 Melogold Cir, Land O' Lakes, FL 34637
Wesley Chapel Republican Club
Contact: President: Jim Cracchiolo or Peter Cracchiolo, Vice President
Email: wesleychapelrc@gmail.com
Phone: (813) 889-8355
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month
Time: Doors open at 6:00 PM – Meeting 6:30 PM
Location: Myrtle Lake Baptist Church: 2017 Reigler Rd., Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639
Membership: $20.00 per year
The purpose of the WFWCRN is to provide a forum to educate Conservative Republican Women on local, state and national issues. We encourage all Republican women interested in these issues to attend our meetings and join our group. Men and guests are always welcome.
Contact: Ellouise Emke, President
Email: ellouise@tampabay.rr.com
Phone: (727) 215 7496
Time: The WFWCRN meets for social time at 6:00 P.M. A modestly priced dinner is available. The business meeting begins at 6:30 P.M.
Location: River Ridge Golf Club: 11022 Tee Time Circle in New Port Richey
For further meeting information or details regarding the outreach programs, please contact Secretary Carol Jones at (727) 207-2261 or carolj886@gmail.com
Women's Republican Club of Pasco County
(Chartered by the Republican Party of Pasco County)
Contact: Kirsten Moore, President
Email: wrcpsec@gmail.com
Phone: (727) 488-3796
Meetings: 2nd Monday of every Month
Time: 5:30 PM Social, 6:30 PM Meeting (Food and drinks may be purchased during the social hour)
Location: Timber Greens Country Club: 6333 Timber Greens Blvd., New Port Richey, FL 34655
This is a gated community. Please tell the guard you are there for meeting – club house down on your left.
Membership Dues -$10.00 - $20.00 per calendar year. Men are welcomed.