Join the Pasco REC
Once paperwork is completed, please bring it to the next Pasco REC meeting. We have a notary on-site for your convenience.
Proposed members are sworn in at the direction of the Chair; all completed paperwork must be received, reviewed, and notarized. Thank you!
There are no membership dues, and the only requirements are the following:
- You must be a registered Republican for one calendar year to be considered for membership.
- You must be registered at the precinct you wish to represent.
- There must be a vacancy in your precinct [For every 1,000 registered voters in a precinct, it may have one committeeman and one committeewoman (i.e., a precinct with 2,852 registered voters would be able to have three committeemen and three committeewomen).
- You must complete and sign two different forms: A State Loyalty Oath that is filed with the Supervisor of Elections and a Party Loyalty Oath that is filed with the Republican Party of Florida.
The Pasco County Republican Party has active committees working hard in the background to paint Pasco County Red. The following is a list of committees: Audit, Candidate, Communications, Education and Training, Election Integrity, Finance, Fundraising Events, Information Technology, Legislative Liaison and Protocol, Membership, Volunteer, and Voter Engagement.
Please download and complete the below Precinct Candidate Oath form if you plan to run for Committeemen and Committeewomen.